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Articles & Papers

Catching Copy Cats - Emerging tools can detect source code thievery: Law Technology News.

Measuring Whitespace Patterns in Computer Source Code as an Indication of Plagiarism: Intellectual Property Today .

Software Forensics Tools Enter the Courtroom: IEEE Spectrum.

Measuring Whitespace Patterns as an Indication of Plagiarism: ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law.

Measuring the Speedup of a Commercial Application on a Computer Grid: ISCA 22nd International Conference On Parallel And Distributed Computing And Communication Systems.

DUPE: The Depository of Universal Plagiarism Examples: 5th International Conference on IT Security Incident Management & IT Forensics.

Measuring changes in software using the CLOC method:

Measuring changes in software IP: Intellectual Property Today.

Measuring Software Evolution with Changing Lines of Code: 24th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications.

Applying CodeSuite filtering techniques to search engine results: Dr. Dobb's Journal.

Legal issues of software trade secret theft: Intellectual Property Today.

Further research on software source code correlation: 2008 Third International Workshop on Systematic Approaches to Digital Forensic Engineering.

Research paper on filtering as applied to CodeSuite and to search engines: Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics.

CodeGrid, the supercomputer grid at S.A.F.E. for running large CodeSuite jobs: Dr. Dobb's Journal.

The initial definition and research on software source code correlation: IEEE/ACIS International Workshop on Component-Based Software Engineering, Software Architecture and Reuse.

Legal issues of software plagiarism: Intellectual Property Today.

Technical issues of software plagiarism: Dr. Dobb's Journal.

CodeMeasure fact sheet: CodeMeasure Fact Sheet.

CodeMatch white paper: Detecting Software IP Theft Using CodeMatch.

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