SAFE Corporation has developed a process to online
applications such as screen social games against each
other (Competitive Screening) looking for signs
of copying and also searching the Internet (Pervasive
Screening) for unauthorized posting of game content.
Below are excerpts from case studies. Complete electronic
copies of the case studies are available at Downloads
>> Case Studies.
Competitive Screening Examples
Example #1:
Zynga's FarmVille with CrowdStar's Happy Aquarium
Unfiltered Correlation Distribution
Filtered Correlation Distribution
One file pair with correlation after filtering
FarmVille routine: 116 out of 160 lines match
Happy Aquarium routine
Happy Aquarium routine: 116 out of 192 lines
match FarmVille routine
Example #2:
Digital Chocolate's Millionaire City with CrowdStar's
Happy Aquarium
Unfiltered Correlation Distribution
Filtered Correlation Distribution
No correlation after filtering
Screening of Millionaire City with Happy
Aquarium showed no correlation after applying
common use and third party code filtering.