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Software Analysis and Forensic Engineering
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Transfer Pricing

Disagreement with the IRS?

Do you have a tax dispute with the Internal Revenue Service regarding the value of your software? Have you had a taxable event from a transfer of software within your corporation? CodeCLOC has been successfully used in court to measure the evolution software intellectual property in order to calculate the tax basis for transfer pricing. CodeCLOC performs a standard, repeatable, objective measurement that can easily be explained to a judge or jury.

SAFE Corporation's solution

CodeSuite provides the most accurate and efficient tools on the market for comparing source code to find plagiarism. Professors and students have been relying on CodeSuite for years. Contact us if you need a recommendation of CodeSuite-certified consultants to run CodeSuite and present the results. We can also train you in various aspects of software intellectual property.

The CodeSuite advantages

  • Accurate and efficient
  • Accepted at peer-reviewed journals and conferences
  • De facto standard among IP law firms
  • Comprehensive solution
  • Useful on source code and binary code
  • Successfully used in over 40 lawsuits
  • Successfully used in tax lawsuits
  • Used at hundreds of colleges and universities
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